

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015

HEY! Sounds like you had a pretty good week! You were making me hungry talking about all that food! Dang! 1am flight? That's intense! I hope you enjoy yourself in Florida though! Yeah! So actually, the biggest shock of them all, we didn't even consider this, but Hna. Juarez and I are staying together!!! So we started our missions together sitting next to each other on the plane to Mexico, being MTC comps for like 2 days, then the last 2 transfers of our missions we're companions and then we'll fly home together too! So we're super happy :) Especially since we've both put EVERYTHING into this area and it's finally starting to look up! We've had a week full of little miracles! 

So first of all, we had the blitz this week in our area on Saturday! ... actually I don't know if I've ever explained what a blitz is.. haha so every Saturday as a zone we go to one companionship's area, we split up the streets and go with a different companion just to talk to people and try and set up appointments for that area. It's a lot of fun and we've seen a lot of success with it! So this week was our area's turn, and it was AWESOME! Of course we organized it and planned everything beforehand (unlike the elders.. haha) so we really prayed about who should go with who, what streets to send them to, and then we drove those streets seeing how we felt about them. The entire time it was like revelation from heaven! haha We got so many return appointments and referrals! It was a huge success! AND! Here's a couple cool little stories.

While we were waiting at the church building for all the missionaries to meet back up at the end, we're all just sitting on the grass waiting, and a car pulls up and asks if this a christian church. So we started talking to them and turns out they are living here temporarily, but are looking for a house to permanently live in, in the area. So they're also looking for a church to go to IN SPANISH. And we just happened to be there! They said they want to come to church and we're keeping in contact so when they do move here, we can get their address! Super cool!

After that we were all talking about it and I came back to the group telling them what happened and everything, and just joking I said that they asked to get baptized haha but little did we know, like 10 minutes after that, right before we were going to say a prayer to leave, this guy wants into the parking lot. So we started to talk to him and turns out he used to meet with the missionaries in Hemet and loved it, but then because of different circumstances he had to move away and lost contact with everything. He said the reason why he couldn't get baptized before was because he was living with his girlfriend, but now he doesn't so he wants to get baptized! We were shocked! Here I just joked about that happening and then it did! haha! He's actually english though, but the english sisters were super happy! Soooo amazing!

Sorry this is going to be a really long email haha Also! We finally had another lesson with Maura! I thought it was going to be crazy like the other lessons we've had with her, but it was actually really good! She thanked us for not giving up on her yet and said she was going to come to church! Which is a HUGE step for her, cause the whole time I was teaching her with Hna. Santoyo, she didn't want to come. AND SHE ACTUALLY CAME!!!!! We were sooo happy! She was the only that did come... but hey, after 2 weeks of not having anyone at church, we were THRILLED! Heavenly Father has definitely taught us this transfer that we can't do it on our own. Very humbling :) 

Ariel and Lupita have been suuuuper hard to meet with, so they fell off their baptism dates :( we're really sad about that, BUT another miracle :) so on the Blitz, Hna. Vorkink and I got a referral from a nonmember for one of her neighbors that speaks spanish. So we tried them last night and they're AWESOME! It's an older couple, probably in their 60s, Marta and Roman :) They were a little hesitant at first to let us in, but finally did :) We showed them the "Because He Lives" video and they loved it! The spirit was super strong! Marta told us that we just bring the spirit of God so strongly in their home and she can feel it. Uhh... are you a member? haha no one says that! She also said that she feels like her prayers are being answered cause she's been wanting to find a church in spanish, because her husband Roman speaks more spanish then english. AND. She invited herself to come to church this Sunday before we even got the chance too! Suuuuper cool! The whole time I could just feel myself being guided by the spirit! I kept getting the prompting, "put them on date, put them on date!" So I invited them, and they accepted to be baptized on May 17th!!! YAY! :) We're going to have a church tour with them and the Bishop on Wednesday, so we're really excited! They're great! :) 

Sorry this is boook. Almost done :) Yesterday in church we had a homecoming and in her talk she read this scripture in Alma 26 that we were like, "wow, revelation" 

"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethern, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.

..And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some.

Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many; yeah, and we can witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their brethern and also towards us."

We've learned a lot this transfer, and now we're ready to keep up the hard work, kick it into gear, and have the best transfer of our missions :) I love this work and I'm so grateful I still have a whole 6 weeks to share it! (even though I wish it was more) Hope you have a great week! Love yoooou! :)
Hermana Nelson 

our zone :) only 2 people are changing in it, so we're all really happy :) 

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